How to Break Rhythm While Juggling

by Kip Pascal

A New Juggling Move For Some

I am sure this move has an official name.

If you are a juggler, drop me an email, so I can credit the original source. If not, then maybe this move originated in little old Eugene, Oregon.

There are lots of ways to break rhythm. This is as good a one as any for a start.

To break rhythm, you are going to combine two move while in the middle of a Cascade pattern:

    The Cascade

    The Under Throw

The best way to learn this sequence is in reverse order. Let's start with the end in mind:

1. Start jugging in a Cascade pattern.

2. Claw a ball with your left hand and continue juggling.

3. Practice this, until you can claw smoothly and continue juggling.

Next, practice the first part of the sequence:

1. Start juggling in a Cascade pattern.

2. Cross your right hand underneath your left hand, and then throw the ball in the right hand.

3. Continue juggling.

Finally, in order to skip a beat, combine the two, in reverse order:

1. Start juggling in a Cascade pattern.

2. Cross your right hand underneath your left hand, and then throw the ball in the right hand.

3. Claw the ball that was just thrown under your left hand ... with your left. Yes, you are going to have to let go of the ball that is already in your left hand, in order to grab the one that was thrown from underneath.

4. Practice this, until you can claw smoothly and continue juggling.

Now, it's time to emphasize the broken rhythm:

As you throw the ball up with the right hand crossed underneath the left one, allow the left hand (and ball) to track up along side the ball rising in the air.

When the ball traveling in the air reaches its apex, let go of the ball in your left hand and grab the ball right at the topmost point in its arc.

The letting go of one and grabbing of the other ball is the perceived broken rhythm.

More Advanced Juggling Throws

As mentioned in the article on broken-rhythm presentation, you can immediately perform the same technique on the other side. As you grab the ball at its apex that was thrown under the left hand, immediately take that ball and cross your left hand under your right.

Then throw that ball up and use the right hand to both let go of one and grab it.

If you continue this sequence one right after the other, then you will always use the same ball to cross under your other hand.

In other words, if you break rhythm on every throw, then you will be always clawing the same ball ... with either hand.

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