If you are looking to incorporate useful, but not widely known, principles into your martial repertoire, then this web page could be very important to you.
For the first time ever, a new book reveals all the insider secrets of these feats of supposedly super-human speed and dexterity.
Whether you are a beginning martial artist or a master, this book will show you a variety of ways to demonstrate your martial-arts speed ... all with a coin.
With every effect in this book, you actually speed steal a coin from a volunteer's hand -- no matter how fast the volunteer's reflexes.
Not only will I show you how to speed steal the coin, but you'll be so fast, that you'll leave another in its place. (Your participant won't even know a switch has taken place. You'll be that fast ... and that smooth.) One more time ...
"You will absolutely, positively be able to speed-steal a coin from a volunteer's hand and leave another in it's place. Guaranteed."
Keith Pascal is one of those rare individuals ...
a realistic martial artist with a talent for both writing and teaching. He tells it like it is with his own style of writing -- with humor injected to keep things even more interesting.
I recommend Mr. Pascal to anyone wanting good, realistic martial arts instruction in any format.
-Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc
Head Instructor Universal System of Self-Defense
It's More Than a Stunt with a Coin
Sure, Bruce Lee impressed other martial artists and actors at parties with his coin snatching. And Jean Claude Van Damme did an on-screen version in Bloodsport, to save Janice Kent, the blonde reporter.
Coin Snatching is more than a cute trick:
You'll incorporate principles for eliminating extra motions into all of your martial arts. (There is an entire chapter on getting rid of telegraphs.)
You'll apply principles of efficient coin-grabbing to your martial techniques. (There are chapters devoted just to martial arts and martial artists.)
The martial-arts anecdotes and stories found in the book will interest your audience ... or group of friends. (Feel free to make use of any of the stories in your presentations.)
You get specific directions for building your reputation in the martial arts....
"I've been obsessed with this trick since I was a kid"
"To any of the naysayers, I encourage you to give this [book] some serious thought.
"I have absolutely nothing to do with this book. I'd never even heard of Kip Pascal before...
"... the next question: Is the book any good?
"Without hesitation, I give Coin Snatching: The Reputation Builder a 10/10.
Kip has obviously been a teacher and it shows. The book is entertaining, informative, and well laid out ....
I can't praise it enough. Maybe it's because I've been obsessed with this trick since I was a kid, but this book goes into my prized possession section.
Jamie D. Grant, Columnist for The Magic Cafe'
Click here, to Read the Entire Review
Are You Obnoxious or Shy?
(It's not Black and White.)
It's not always the case, but have you noticed that a majority of martial artists either obnoxiously brag about their art, or they are so shy, that a layperson has no chance of finding out about the artist's specific style or interests.
When asked to demonstrate his (usually not 'her') martial arts, I have seen some martial artists obnoxiously punch or kick in front of the non-martial artist's face.
It's really annoying
Other martial artists seem to have nothing to say about their craft.
"It's easier to make a point by showing people something than it is by talking about it.
"You can tell you martial arts students how important it is to not telegraph their moves all day, but until you can demonstrate how important it is the discussion will probably go in one ear and out the other.
"In this book, Pascal gives you a great way to drive the point home through an amazing and non-threatening demonstration.
Their jaws will hit the floor!
At work, I've done it several times to fine effect!
Some folks know that I am also interested in martial arts, and I even heard one rumor-- from someone who's never even worked out with me-- "never get in a fight with that guy! He's ultra-fast!" hahah. One less fight I have to worry about.
--Jesse Williamson, martial artist
How to Impress with Finesse
Pulling a punch in front of your guest's face is not the best way to impress.
Okay, it was a fast punch, but so are the punches in the movies. How are they to know that yours is a real punch?
On the other hand, if you can steal a coin from the outstretched hand of the fastest person in the room, then you must be fast. And if you have time to leave another coin in its place, then you are perceived as blindingly fast.
The is the beginning of how you ...
get other people to build your reputation for you.
Give them something to talk about ... when you're not in the room.
There are simple ways to get others to do some of your reputation building for you....
And all of the reputation-building techniques in Coin Snatching are classy. They are smooth -- pure finesse.
And you don't have to obnoxiously, and rudely, punch at the innocent in front of you.

Click on image, to Enlarge
This Is The Only Place to Find These Collected Coin Snatches
In Coin Snatching: The Reputation Builder, you'll discover the best coin snatches and switches:
The Beginner's Grab -- start with this move. It's easy to learn, and it builds a important foundation for two impressive switches, later
The Rochester Switch -- This will be your first switch of one coin for another in the participant's hand. This is a favorite of some of my students.
Kip's Take -- This is the cleanest effect in the book. No fuss, no muss -- just a clean speed-switch of one coin for another. Very impressive.
The Upside-Down Impossible Coin Grab -- You present several components that make this effect seemingly impossible (you'll master it within 5 minutes after reading it).
The Upside-Down Impossible Coin Switch -- This used to be theory -- now, it's a doable effect. Show your hand empty before you make the impossible switch. (I'll send you an ebonus on how to make this trick practical. More about the ebonuses in a minute.)
Lee Asher Variation -- Some people find it easier to perform Kip's Take with a different hand orientation. Lee explains a clean way to make a switch.
The Cheap Shot -- You could reserve this one for obnoxious participants. I think it's better not to -- instead, just play it safe by knowing the move, so others don't try it on you!
Never Before Explained: More Impressive than a Coin Switch
If, by some rare chance, you encounter another martial artist who can switch coins, show your spectators an even more empressivc.
Imagine a coin snatch from a handful of change ... with a big surprise for an ending!
What's even better is, you allow the volunteer to choose a coin.
And the surprise ending is a fooler.
This first bonus chapter, Calvert's Claw, really is one of those "worth the price of the book" effects.
"Calvert's Claw
"In his 90s, Mr. Calvert has graciously allowed Kip (Keith) Pascal to describe and publish his routine where he fools the participant by doing the opposite of what he claims. Instead of stealing one called for coin from a handful ..."
-- Ellusionist.com
A Second Bonus Chapter: A Crowd Pleaser
How would you like to please a crowd with a coin snatch that plays big? This presentation is suitable for a gathered crowd.
In most coin-snatching effects, the coin is placed in someone's hand, which makes it a presentation for a small audience. After all, if you can't see the coin, there is no visual astonishment.
After A Conversation with Justin Hanes, (bonus chapter #2), you'll want to try this coin switch that can be performed in front of a bigger crowd.
You'll have a new martial arts demonstration that borders on the impossible... and that nobody else is performing.
It involves two spectators ... at the same time!
Order Now, and Receive the Following New eBonuses
If you order now, I'll include some pdf files. (I'll email you a download page.)
These four ebonuses revolve around the coin-snatching theme. Whether used as an example, or simply referred to, all will help magicians impriove.
Here's what you get:
Bonus #1 -- The Speed-e-Book. Develop a super fast, quick reaction response. Learn to react quickly in all martial situations. Also included are tips for developing speedier kicks. (35 pages)
Bonus #2 --
Faster Eye Jabs. Just one of these tips will improve the speed of your eye jab. Apply all of them, and your technique will seem "lightning fast." (34 pages)
Bonus #3 --
Martial Arts Tune-Ups. If you ever find yourself lacking motivation in the martial arts, and if you are feeling training burnout, then you absolutely must read this one-page article. Practical tips for building up your enthusiasm to practice. (1 page)
Bonus #4 -- New presentation for coin snatching. Use this tip to create a coin-snatching anecdote from your childhood. Your audience will remember and appreciate this routine. (3 pages)
PLUS -- I promised you an extra bonus for making the Upside-Down Impossible Switch practical.
Three More Bonuses -- For a Limited Time
I have three more bonuses that need mentioning. If you are at all interesting in Coin Snatching, then you should take advantage of this offer now.
For a limited time:
Free Postage Anywhere -- If the postal service allows it to your area, we'll send Coin Snatching to you via Priority Class Mail (Global Priority outside the U.S.)
With the price of postage and gas these days, this offer can't last!
A Few Coin-Snatching Gifts -- Often referred to as SWAG, I'd like to give you a few of our promotional materials as collector items -- a couple of bookmarks, a wooden nickel, and a post card -- all with the coin snatching brand.
Coin Snatching autographed to you -- Have your hard cover copy of Coin Snatching autographed to you, to someone else (as a gift), just signed, or left blank. Let me know.
Only $29.95 -- with a Money-Back Guarantee
In the world of martial arts, you rarely see guarantees on their products. That's because so much of what others produce is a rehash of what's come before. They are afraid you won't like another basic block and punch book.
Well, I am so confident that you'll want to add this book to your martial arts collection, that I am willing to offer you a satisfaction guarantee -- for One Full Year!
"Bruce Lee owned thousands of books in his martial arts library ...
"Bruce Lee valued his martial arts books. Being so learned in the martial arts was definitely a component of his success. Bruce Lee was also a coin snatcher."
Coin Snatching PLUS -- For $29.95
You get the hard cover book Coin Snatching: The Reputation Builder, the two bonus chapters, four ebonuses, an autograph, collectors souvenirs, and free postage ...
if you order now.
You can be one of the few who uses coin snatching to build your reputation. (Being able to speed steal a coin with super fast reflexes is a pretty big benfeit, wouldn't you say?)
There are so many more benefits in this 214-page, beautifully hardbound text.
Did you know there are chapters that relate coin snatching to practical martial arts. Even if you already have a fast punch, can you see the benefit of making it even faster?
It's time for you to order the book, because if you don't use these methods to build your martial arts reputation, someone else will.
May you make decisions that benefit you in life and in your pursuit of the martial arts,
Keith Pascal
PS I know you will have as much fun with this new skill as I have had. It really is a reputation builder.
I didn't mean to -- once I stopped an entire martial-arts seminar (not my own) when I was quietly snatching a coin on request, over at the side. Suddenly, there was a crowd of martial artists. My reputation soared that day, and yours can too.
Only $29.95 (with all of the ebonuses)
And remember -- there is absolutely no risk with my 100% money-back guarantee.
"Just wanted to let you know I have just received Coin Snatching and can only say 'Wow!' ...
"this is great stuff. Thank you for publishing it.
"... really love this book and look forward to snatching my way to fame.
"Thanks again for an excellent teaching tool.
- John Middleton
Order Coin Snatching Directly From the Publisher

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(For Amazon orders, send a receipt to info@coinsnatching.com, to receive your martial-arts ebonuses.)
Or ...
send a check or money order for $29.95
(U.S. funds only) to:
Kerwin Benson Publishing
2749 Friendly St., Suite Q
Eugene, Oregon 97405
(Be sure to include your email address, and say that you want "Coin Snatching -- the martial artist's special." And we'll email you download instructions for your ebonuses.).