coin table of contents

Table of Contents


It’s fun to see the connections to others in the industry. In most of “Kip” Pascal’s books, you’ll find martial arts connections. For a change, take a look at the Table of Contents in Coin Snatching.With name-dropping at its best, you’ll enjoy exploring the connections to notable magicians who “shaped” this book.



And we’re off…Preview all of the coin snatches to follow. Glimpse the rich history to follow in the next chapter. Meet the author and those who taught him.

And get ready to enhance your reputation with Coin Snatching. It really is a reputation builder.


2-History of Coin Snatching

Don’t worry — this is not a long and boring chapter. As a future coin-snatching expert, you should learn a little history of the art.Discover the ‘Bruce Lee connection.’ Find out the very first person to mention coin snatching in print. It’s almost 100 years old.


3-Beginner’s Grab

This is the basic snatch. While not quite as easy as the Upside-Down Impossible Grab, it teaches you proper form and technique for the switches to follow. Those who take the time to perfect the Beginner’s Grab, will have no problem learning the ultimate in coin switches …. Kip’s Take.

4- The Rochester Switch

This was the beginning point for the author, “Kip” Pascal. He developed the Beginner’s Grab after learning The Rochester Switch.Some of Pascal’s students have made The Rochester Switch their ‘signature’ reputation builder, preferring it even to Kip’s Take.

With the Rochester Switch, you really do switch the coin right in the participant’s hand. This is not a magic deception where the switch takes place before the coin is given to the participant. There is no trick coin involved.

You really do speed switch one coin for another.


5-Kip’s Take

This coin switch is very close to The Rochester Switch, but it’s smoother. It’s cleaner.It has finesse.

It’s my favorite.

Enough said.


6-Creating the Minor Miracle: Performance Tips

If you just present the coin snatch, you’ll have a decent stunt. Follow these tips, to raise your trick to miracle status.Some of the tips will apply to any type of performance, but they really are coin-snatch specific.

7-The Upside-Down Impossible Grab

The easiest grab looks impossible. With the proper presentation, you will have everyone convinced that this particular grab really is just this side of impossible.You build a good case of how hard it would be to pull off, then you do just that.



8-No Telegraphing: Pure Speed

You are learning great techniques for coin snatching. If you apply these suggestions, you’ll not only appear fast, you will actually become faster. Guaranteed.No need to bluff — you’ll be fast.


9-Coin Snatch Tips for Success

It’s like having Kip Pascal in your home giving you a private lesson. These tips feel like a personal coaching session.

10-Just for Magicians

Magicians get specific routining advice. They also learn to elevate Coin Snatching beyond “trick status.Without this chapter, you have another coin trick. With this chapter, you have a method to build your reputation significantly.


11-For Martial Artists

Martial Artists should start chomping at the bit, after reading Chapter 8, on eliminating telegraphs in their moves.This chapter links Coin Snatching to real martial arts. Yes, one can benefit the other. Read this chapter, if you you are a martial arts practitioner.


12-Best Place and Time to Present

More on presentation and reputation building. This book emphasizes specific ways to use coin snatching to build your reputation.


Plenty of stories for those who like taking center stage in their presentations. These stories and anecdotes all relate to coin snatching.It’s perfect way to transition from a talk to a presentation.

Bonus #1: Calvert’s Claw

Are you snatching one called-for coin from a pile of coins, or are you stealing the entire pile and leaving the named coin?This presentation, by World Famous Magician John Calvert, adds a kicker.

(Note: Congratulations to John Calvert. The United Kingdom is issuing a stamp to honor his long and fruitful magic career.)

Bonus #2: Phone Call with Justin Hanes

At first, the author and Hanes are having a little fun guessing at the inane ideas of switching that are bound to appear now that Coin Snatching is hitting print.But soon the conversation turns to a more serious consideration — that of adding a second participant — at the same time.

A definite reputation maker!


Easy way to locate your favorite technique or reference.All good nonfiction books need an index.

Guide to Finding Magic and Martial-Arts Resources

Once the book is over, your learning doesn’t have to end. Explore these valuable resourcecs, to improve your magic and/or your martial arts.

Order “Coin Snatching: The Reputation Builder”.

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