Magicians Coin Snatch
Magicians have taken coin snatching to a new level. Talk about squeezing the most out of a stunt!
This book really is as much about Building Your Reputation as Coin Snatching.
Magician's Featured Article
Coin Magic: When Small Coins Are Better. You'd think that a bigger coin would be a better choice for performing, but this isn't always the case. Read about when exactly you should use a smaller coin in coin snatching. Read the Magic Article
Articles for Magicians
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Coin Snatcher Lives to 102
John Calvert was a magician who lived to 102 years old. He was famous for a special Coin Snatch variation. It was truly amazing. Read how got permission to publish his trick as a bonus in the Coin Snatching book. Read about John Calvert and Coin Snatching.
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